A dental crown (or cap) is a covering that encases the entire tooth’s surface, restoring it to its original shape and size. With dental crowns, we can protect and strengthen tooth structure that cannot be restored with fillings or other types of restorations. A crown may become necessary or desired for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Broken/Fractured Teeth
  • Cosmetic Enhancement
  • Decayed Teeth
  • Fractured Fillings
  • Large Fillings
  • Root Canal Treatment

Our dental crowns in Las Vegas, Nevada, are made and customized in size, shape and color to match your natural teeth. This is done to restore full functionality to your teeth and to provide optimal cosmetic results for your smile.

Because we value your time, we have invested in a system that provides full restoration to any tooth that needs a crown. This system returns your natural tooth’s strength and beauty and is done with all-ceramic materials that are perfectly matched to your natural tooth color!


Our dentists, Dr. Nathan T. Cherrington, Dr. Riza Abdelnour and Dr. Breanna Bartolome, and team are proud to utilize CEREC®, an advanced milling machine that allows us to design, create and place high-quality ceramic crowns in a single visit. These types of dental crowns are often referred to as same-day crowns, one-visit crowns or CEREC crowns.

In a single appointment, your tooth will be prepared and an optical impression will be taken with a camera, which takes only a minute or two. The digital picture of your tooth is converted into a 3D model on a computer screen. After the final design by the doctor, the restoration data is sent to a separate milling machine. About 10 to 20 minutes later, your all-ceramic, tooth-colored restoration is finished and ready to bond and place. Your new tooth is restored with no temporary cap and no return trip.

If you are interested in learning more about how CEREC can be used to restore your smile, please contact Cherrington Dental at 702-832-0804 today. We are excited to offer you the latest dental treatments and technologies!